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FSS - Family Self Sufficiency

Family Self Sufficiency


Clyde Hare, FSS Coordinator



The purpose of the FSS Program is to coordinate the use of housing assistance with public and private resources to assist families in becoming economically independent and self sufficient, so that they no longer need of social services.


Housing agencies work with welfare agencies, schools, businesses and other local partners to develop a program that gives participating FSS families the skills and experience needed in order to obtain and maintain suitable employment.


Program participants are assisted with developing an “Individual Training and Service Plan”, which outlines their goals and strategies for obtaining economic independence. The family must sign a 5 year “Contract of Participation” which will include the goals established by them. The family will have up to 5 years to complete their specific goals. At the completion of the contract, the family is eligible to receive an escrow account that has been established in their name. In order to become eligible to receive the funds in escrow, the U.C.C family must complete all goals and must be free of social service assistance for a period of (at least) 1 year prior to the completion of the contract.



Do you presently have a Section 8 voucher,and reside in Plainfield?
Are you motivated to free yourself from social services?
Are you motivated to obtain more education or job training?
Are you motivated to seek and maintain full time employment?
Are you willing to accept the assistance of the case Management staff?
Are you willing to participate in group meetings?


If you have answered YES to these questions, then you are eligible to participate in HAP’s Family Self-Sufficiency Program!



You must contact the Admissions Office at (908) 769-6880 to apply.

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