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Welcome to the Housing Authority of Plainfield,

Randall M. Wood began his tenure as the Executive Director of the Housing Authority of Plainfield (H.A.P.) in 2006, after 18 prior years of experience with H.A.P. He also fulfills the roles of Secretary-Treasurer of the Authority. Mr. Wood’s prior experience with H.A.P. includes Section 8 interviewer and inspector, General Housing Manager, Maintenance Superintendent, and Executive Assistant.The Housing Authority oversees two other important arms of its organization. Premier Community Development Corp (PCDC), a 501-(c)(3) non-profit entity, and the Plainfield Housing Finance Corporation (P.H.F.C.), a non-profit instrumentality.Mr. Wood serves as the C.E.O. of P.C.D.C. and the Secretary-Treasurer of P.H.F.C. Wood oversees 353 Public housing units and reports to a seven-member appointed Commissioner Board.


Additional programs and initiatives Mr. Wood is responsible for are, Tax Credit Property Development, 844 Housing Choice Vouchers, Section 8 Family Self-Sufficiency Program, Public Housing Family Self-Sufficiency Program, The Resident Opportunities Self-Sufficiency Program, Capital Grant Programs, Energy Performance Contracting, Congregate Housing Program, and the Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP). He also works with two resident Associations; Elm-West Resident Association and The Richmond Towers Resident Association.


The mission of H.A.P. is to continue to develop resources to enhance Plainfield’s low and moderate income and senior communities, by collaborating with our network of community service providers and other public agencies to better serve our community under the Affordable Housing Federal, State, and local housing initiatives, and to enhance home ownership opportunities for income eligible residents.



“I would encourage you to be sure and visit the rest of our site. Our motto at the Housing Authority of Plainfield is as the authority grows, together we grow.” -Randall M. Wood

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